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how to put shit on old kindle without USB and internet

my kindle's USB port is broken, so I can't just connect via USB to put books on it

it also refuses to connect to WiFi hotspots without a backing internet connection. however, I don't want to connect it to the internet because it will phone home to amazon and potentially do auto-updates i don't want.

but, enshittification of the internet to the rescue, the kindle accepts a wifi hotspot with a "captive portal", so we pretend to be one.

Convert an audiobook to a podcast, to listen with AntennaPod

I listen to podcasts a lot, and I wanted to get into listening to audiobooks. However, I wanted to really buy them as un-DRM'd audio files, but still be able to listen to them via an app on my phone, without having to copy the whole several hundred megabytes onto it. So I thought it might be a good idea to use AntennaPod, a podcast listening app for Android, which can nicely stream podcasts and also manage offline availability.