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Key Bindings


Key Action
ctrl-O Open file
ctrl-shift-O Open project
ctrl-R Reload current file
ctrl-S Save current file
ctrl-shift-S Save current file with new name
ctrl-Q Exit

Hex Editor

Key Action
ctrl-A Select all of current buffer
ctrl-C Copy selection as undelimited hex string
ctrl-shift-C Copy selection as formatted hex dump
ctrl-F5 Re-apply grammar
ctrl-plus Zoom in
ctrl-minus Zoom out
ctrl-0 Reset zoom level
R, G, Y, L, M, T Annotate with background color (Red, Green, Yellow, bLue, Magenta, Turqoise)
X Delete selected annotation
ctrl-shift-K Delete all annotations

Code Editor

Key Action
ctrl-J Add next occurrence to selection
ctrl-shift J Add all occurrences to selection

Grammar Definition Code

Key Action
ctrl-ENTER Apply changes